B2B Single Sign-On
Organizations are only available in Ory Network and are not supported in self-hosted Ory Kratos. If you have any questions, or if you would like more information about transitioning to Ory Network, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Organizations are a way to group users within one project. An organization always belongs to one Ory project. Within a project, an identity can belong to an organization or remain without an organization. Organizations contain multiple OIDC SSO connections. All members of an organization must use one of the organization's OIDC SSO connections to log in.
An organization can have multiple domains. Registrations for email addresses with a domain that belongs to an organization must go through one of the organization's OIDC SSO connections.
Manage organizations
Manage organizations through the Ory Console
Organizations can be managed using the Ory Console.
To create, update, or delete organizations via the Ory Console, go to Authentication → Enterprise SSO in the Ory Console.
Manage organizations through the API
Organizations can also be managed using the Ory API. To authenticate your requests, create a workspace API key.
All examples below use curl to make HTTP requests. You can use any HTTP client to make these requests.
List organizations
curl -X GET --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}/organizations" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..."
Create an organization
curl -X POST --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}/organizations" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..." \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"label": "Hello demo",
"domains": ["test.example.com"]
Get an organization
curl -X GET --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}/organizations/{{organization_id}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..."
Delete an organization
curl -X DELETE --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}/organizations/{{organization_id}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..."
Create SSO connections for an organization
After creating an organization, continue by adding one or more SSO OIDC connections.
Manage SSO connections through the Ory Console
Go to Authentication → Enterprise SSO in the Ory Console and continue by configuring the selected organization.
Manage SSO connections through the API
The SSO connections are part of the project configuration. To authenticate, use the same workspace API key as for managing organizations. The examples use curl to make HTTP requests and jq to parse JSON response.
Create an SSO connections
curl -X PATCH --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..." \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[
"op": "add",
"path": "/services/identity/config/selfservice/methods/oidc/config/providers/-",
"value": {
"client_id": "...",
"client_secret": "...",
"id": "ory-GPx1yPH4",
"issuer_url": "https://example.org",
"label": "My OIDC provider",
"mapper_url": "base64://ZnVuY3Rpb24oY3R4KSBjdHg=",
"organization_id": "6bb1c7d1-3b3e-4995-9e09-35649dc45a2b",
"provider": "generic",
"scope": ["openid", "offline_access", "email"]
]' \
| jq ".project.services.identity.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers"
Some notes on the fields of the JSON payload:
are the credentials of the OIDC provider.id
is a unique identifier for the connection, and part of the redirect URL.organization_id
is the ID of the organization to which the connection belongs, and part of the redirect URL.mapper_url
is the URL to a JSONnet file that maps the OIDC provider's claims to Ory's identity schema. You can use thebase64
scheme to embed the JSONnet file directly in the JSON payload.
The redirect URL to be set in the OIDC provider configuration is
https://{{project slug}}.projects.oryapis.com/self-service/methods/oidc/organization/{{organization ID}}/callback/{{provider ID}}
List SSO connections
curl -X GET --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..." \
| jq ".services.identity.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers"
"client_id": "...",
"client_secret": "...",
"id": "ory-GPx1yPH4",
"issuer_url": "https://example.org",
"label": "My OIDC provider",
"mapper_url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/bac-gcs-production/94292215dbabe405bebff988b5356663fcf5cba35b10fc6ca2cfea7bc7049e906e01d271a3daeb844203efdfbf2cff356274daa63d5afc2a379bbe93b8b40e63.jsonnet",
"organization_id": "6bb1c7d1-3b3e-4995-9e09-35649dc45a2b",
"provider": "generic",
"scope": ["openid", "offline_access", "email"]
Delete an SSO connection
To delete an organization, you need to specify the index of the connection in the path
field. The index is the position of the
SSO connection in the list of connections.
curl -X PATCH --location "https://api.console.ory.sh/projects/{{project_id}}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer ory_wak_..." \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[
"op": "remove",
"path": "/services/identity/config/selfservice/methods/oidc/config/providers/0"
]' \
| jq ".project.services.identity.config.selfservice.methods.oidc.config.providers"
Note that the organization_id
field contains the organization ID to which the connection belongs.
See it live
After having set up everything, go to your registration page. Entering an email that ends with the organization's domain, such as
from the example above, shows a Sign in with SSO button instead of the password field. Clicking it will take
you to sign in with the SSO connection. The SSO connection is not visible for email addresses that are not managed by the